Portfolio Categories: Web Development

FA-Q Art
A friend’s tribute to a recently deceased friend’s oeuvre. Features include slideshows of albums, feedback form and a news section. Visit www.fa-qart.com

Mosquito-bourne Illness Prevention
CARPHA’s region-wide campaign to raise awareness of mosquito-borne illness.

The Falls at Westmall
This website features a Store Profile for every Shop & Dining establishment, complete with description, all contact details, map, social media platform links and a social media aggregator. The site […]

Nyla Photo Video
Referred by a friend, the client, a photographer needed a series of photo albums in the form of slideshows to showcase her work.

Zebulon Handmade
E-commerce website for a Caribbean craftsman specialising in Jewellery, Mens & Womens Accessories and Leather Footwear. Includes a Facebook Store and Facebook Catalog built with a Product Feed. Customers are […]

Caribbean Group Relations Consulting
A website for a Caribbean agency. This client’s annual conferences are the chief highlight. The conference registration form is important. Visit caribbeangroupconsulting.com

T&T Transparency International
The client needed a website refresh, along with a move from existing hosting. Features include Slideshows, Feedback Forms including a Donation & Subscription Forms with standard Analytics Data Collection and […]

The Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder Group of Trinidad & Tobago non-profit needed a new site to disseminate information and for outreach programs. I help organise the hosting and set up […]