Portfolio Categories: Online Advertising

TTHTI Cultural Tourism Campaign
Digital Campaign for the TTHTI’s ‘Cultural Tourism’ Seminar. Campaign included a Landing Page with Registration form, online advertising and an Email Campaign.

Bollywood: UWI Fete 2011
Online Marketing Campaign for UWI Fete 2011 – Bollywood. The campaign included Facebook marketing efforts combining Facebook promotions and extensive custom tabs. Google and Facebook ads, Email Marketing. Other viral […]

Top 20 TT Brands Artwork
A Pepper Facebook Fan asked what brands would be considered the best local brands. Pepper set out to answer that question by taking a survey of viewpoints, leading to a […]

IBL Surprizes Online Campaign
PPC Advertising and lead generating Landing Page for Intercommercial Bank’s ‘IBL Surprizes’ Campaign launched in support of their Port of Spain branch. The Landing page features a lead subscription form, […]

Novelty Ice Creams
The Branded Facebook Fan Page for Nestle Novelty Ice Creams’ promotion.

‘Artisan Sandwich’ Animated Banners
Animated Banners Ads for Mario’s Pizza’s New Product Line – Artisan Sandwiches

Lok Jack GSB ‘Bootcamp’ Animated Banners
In order to step up recruitment for September 2009, The Arthur Lok Jack Graduate School of Business commissioned this series to promote it’s 1-day ‘Bootcamp.’ The Bootcamp allowed prospective students […]

Mario’s Pizza Branded Social Profiles
Branded the Social Media profiles of Mario’s Pizza. Includes Facebook, Twitter & YouTube.

Black Planet
Three Flash banner advertisements were created for BlackPlanet.com.