Portfolio Categories: Illustration

Sailor’s Tattoo
Tattoo for my brother-in-law, featuring the boat he worked on in the military, his own initials and his children’s birthdays.

Muffy, The Terrorist Slayer
‘Muffy, The Terrorist Slayer’ was a simple Flash game and the touchstone of my thesis, ‘The Islamagoods.’ ‘The Islamagoods’ comprised of several images, mini-sites and games designed to counteract the […]

The IslamaGoods
The Islamagoods were a series of images, games and mini-websites aimed at countering Islamophobia – a fear of Islam that peaked, not after the terrible events of September 11, but […]

True Life Story
Concieved as a comic book adaptation of MTV’s ‘The Real World,’ ‘True Life Story’ followed the lives of six adults relating their misadventures in comic book form. This was among […]

Crik Crak
Folktales in Trinidad, don’t begin ‘Once upon at time…,’ they begin ‘Crik Crak, Monkey break he back…’ In an illustrative mood, I depicted scenes beginnning with Greek Mythology and ending […]

Visual Jazz Series
At a teacher’s recommendation, I entered the University Undergraduate Research Program. With a deepening interest in jazz, I chose to focus on research into Jazz, producing works inspired by the […]

Aisha Visits the Hospital
Tasked with creating a children’s book, I did what I’d been told writer’s do – write what you know. The story retells my surgery at age 10 to remove my […]

Valentine’s Cards Series
Valentines’s Day Cards created and sold for Valentine’s Day 1999 during Aisha’s Freshman year at North Carolina Central University. Cards were made in partnership with Dayan Knox, a songwriter, who […]